2 Days Intervention
Please find below a short overview of the 2-day program which has proven itself to be extremely effective in a variety of industries:
Module 1: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
- What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Insights into own Emotional Intelligence
Module 2: Origin of Emotions
- Laws of OUR Nature
- Wild horse Rule Impact
- Feeding the Horse.
- Rational & Irrational thoughts
- The Brain and Mentality types
- Cognitive Behavioural Flowchart
- AT FREE – model (emotion control)
- Thought stopping
- Self Talk
Module 3: Emotional Debt – Lasting Victory Over Crippling Emotions
- Law of Significance unpacked to understand what drives us
- Gaining the tools to being Emotionally Debt Free
Module 4: The Battle Against Stress
- The Battle Against Stress
- Habits
- Respect
- Coveting
- Trust
Module 5: Conflict Management
- Identification of Preferred Conflict Mode
- Mode Reflection
- Assertiveness Assessment
- O’BEFORE Model
- Role Play
Groups should consist of 8 – 16 people for optimum results.